Cupcakes with espresso cream and caramel

clock icon 45 Minutes pie chart icon 360 Calories


225 g - flour

175 g - sugar

1 tsp - baking powder

125 g butter, melted

125 ml - milk

2 eggs

2 tbsp vanilla extract

Caramel syrup

200 g - sugar

50 g - butter

125 ml of whipped cream

Pecan Praline

350 g - sugar

50 ml - water

120 g of pecans, roughly chopped

Espresso Buttercream

250 g butter at room temperature

400 grams of sugar

80 ml of cold espresso coffee


Preheat the oven to 160°C.

Mix flour, sugar and baking powder in a bowl. Add the butter, milk, eggs and vanilla to the dry ingredients and mix until well combined.

Divide the dough into 12 parts in a cupcake form. (in paper form)

Bake the cupcakes for about 25 minutes. Until it becomes golden.

Transfer the cupcakes to a baking rack and cool before decorating with butter.

Caramel syrup

Melt the sugar over medium heat until golden.

Add butter while stirring. Add the cream, bring to a boil and reduce slightly.

Remove from the heat and let cool completely before spreading the butter on top

Pecan Praline

Pour the sugar and water into a pan over high heat and boil for 8-10 minutes until the sugar turns into a golden caramel.

Pour onto a baking tray lined with baking paper and tilt to get a thin and even layer.

Sprinkle with pecans and set aside to harden. Cut the praline roughly.

Espresso Buttercream

Beat the butter until light and creamy. Gradually add powdered sugar and beat to the end. Add the chilled espresso and beat until frothy.

Drizzle with caramel syrup and top with pecan praline.

Tip: Stir 25 ml of dark rum into the syrup