French toast with peanut butter and strawberries

French cuisine
clock icon 30 Minutes pie chart icon 365 Calories
For 2 servings (6 pieces) of toast you will need:

6 slices of toasted bread
2 eggs
100 ml cream (23-33%)
A pinch of coarse salt
50 g of butter
20 g brown sugar (or other sweetener)
Peanut paste, strawberries for serving

Beat eggs, cream and sugar. Heat the pan, pour 1 tsp of neutral oil and add 50 g of butter. Dip the loaves in egg and fry on both sides until browned. Apply the peanut paste while it is still warm and sprinkle with chopped strawberries.

And to make a vegan smoothie, blend soy drink, strawberries, bananas and any sweetener (agave, maple syrup) in a blender until smooth.