Tacconelli pasta with mussels and tomato sauce

Italian cuisine
clock icon 15 Minutes pie chart icon 419 Calories

You will need:


✔️ 300 g of Tacconelli pasta

✔️ 400 g of tomato sauce

✔️ 200 g of Parmesan

✔️ 5-6 sprigs of spinach

✔️50 ml of olive oil

✔️ 3-4 cloves of garlic

✔️ Spinach leaf

✔️ 50 g of Parmesan

✔️Salt and pepper to taste


First, pour oil on the pan, add finely chopped garlic and cook. Add the tomato sauce, as soon as it boils, add the spinach leaves and mussels, salt and pepper to taste and wait 5-7 minutes, the sauce is ready.


At the same time we can boil the pasta tacconelli as indicated on the package. Transfer the cooked tacconelli to a plate and serve, add the sauce and parmesan.