Stuffed Bulgarian

Various cuisine
clock icon 50 Minutes pie chart icon 488 Calories

Ground beef
Ground pork
Roasted peppers
Tomato sauce
Bulgarian pepper
Coriander seasoning
Foreign spices
The rule of preparation of stuffed Bulgarian

Put one onion, 3 cloves of garlic, a bit of herbs, roasted peppers in a meat grinder and both kinds of meet and well. Mix with each other. Add spices to taste. Stuffing is ready.

Go to the preparation of the Bulgarians. Cut the pepper in half and remove the heart and remove from the stuffing and place in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

About 5 minutes before the peppers fill with stuffing, place the cheese plates on top and in 5 minutes the dish is ready.

Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. Chop the parsley, onion, garlic and carrot finely. Season with butter and oil. Then add the tomato sauce and a pinch of salt. Finally spices to taste. After softening the carrots, blend the sauce. Return to the stove and cook again.

The dish is ready.